Okakura Kakuzo

If you’re into books about tea, you’ve probably at least heard of The Book of Tea, by Okakura Kakuzō (岡倉覚三), from 1906. Nowadays he is mainly known in the...


Goshisochaji (Documentary Review)

I’ll translate the title, Gochisochaji (ごちそう茶事) as “delicious tea gathering”. The producer, Takatsu Makoto, is a fellow tea lover that is deeply involved in promoting tea. The documentary attempts...

Tea Plant Bonsai

Nowadays it’s fairly easy to find buy a tea plant to keep at home. But I hadn’t heard of a tea plant bonsai until recently. Bonsai (盆栽) is the...

Gyokuro Sauce Recipe

This is a simple sauce using gyokuro that I adapted from the book Cooking with Tea. It’s great for dishes with fish because of the natural umami and marine...

Rikyu (Movie Review)

This is the third Japanese movie about Rikyū. The other two are Death of a Tea Master, and Ask This of Rikyū. The title in Japanese is 利休. It’s...

The Sainomidori Tea Cultivar

The Sainomidori (さいのみどり) cultivar is a fairly new cultivar, since it was registered in 2003. It is meant for sencha production and is suitable for cold or mountainous regions....

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