The name of this movie in Japanese is Sen no Rikyū: Honkakubo’s Literary Remains (千利休 本覺坊遺文), and it was released in 1989. It is the film adaptation of a...
Ocha & Co Organic Japanese Black Tea
This year I haven’t reviewed a black tea. Japanese black tea, or wakoucha, is still uncommon in the market. Ocha & Co gave me this sample. It’s organic and...
Galerie Du Thé Kagoshima Genmaicha
One of the teas that I make almost everyday is genmaicha. My wife likes it very much. But she prefers that I prepare it for her. So she was...
Virtual Tea Experience with Arigato Japan Food Tours
Arigato Japan Food Tours, as the name implies, is a food tour company in Japan. Because of the pandemic, they started offering virtual food tours as well. I was...
Matcha Moto Ceremonial Matcha
After recording the podcast, I received a sample from Matcha Moto. It’s an organic, ceremonial matcha from the Uji region. This looks like a good way to start my...
Sugimoto Tea Sencha Tsuyuhikari
Today I continue my exploration of single cultivar sencha with this Tsuyuhikari tea. It is an organic sencha from Kawane, Shizuoka prefecture. Although this tea isn’t so rare in...
California Tea House Stone Ground Ceremonial Matcha
I received this sample from California Tea House. It’s the first time that I taste one of their teas. The website doesn’t offer much information about this matcha, such...
Naoki Matcha Ujitawara Special Blend
This tea is the latest addition to the masters collection of Naoki Matcha. It consists of a blend of cultivars from Uji: Samidori and Ujihikari. A matcha from this...
Sugimoto Tea Sencha Fujimidori
I received a sample of an organic sencha from the Fujimidori cultivar, courtesy of Sugimoto Tea. This tea is made in Kawane, Shizuoka prefecture. It’s an uncommon cultivar for...
MyTeaPal App
This new tea app is just what I was waiting for. It works as a tea journal, keeps tracks of teas, and it has an integrated timer. Plus, it’s...
Miyazaki Sabo Saemidori Oolong
Miyazaki Sabo has been growing tea without fertilizers or pesticides for over 30 years. I haven’t tasted their teas. They seem to be experts at making kamairicha. By the...
The Way of Tea: Reflections on a Life with Tea (Book Review)
This book was written by Aaron Fisher in 2010. He is one of the founders of Global Tea Hut. While most tea books focus on the history, types of...